Friday, August 19, 2011

I have what?

After some pretty good workouts in mid June I was starting to feel more tired than normal, and my heart felt like it was going to beat of my chest.  This continued on for quite some time, mostly because I thought I had just overexerted myself. While in Des Moines over July 4th, I barely made it up the stairs to the apartment.  After some convincing by one of my best friends (and now possible life saver), I made an appointment to Iowa Heart to see a doctor. Mind you I have never seen the same doctor more than one time.

Appointment day....I am convinced that I am overreacting and there is nothing wrong with me.  I can feel my heart speed up and beat funny, but I am fine.  So what if I cant walk up stairs without feeling like I am going to pass out. So what if I feel I need a nap int he morning and one if the afternoon.  There is NOTHING wrong with me. 
The doctor comes in, looks at me, listens and says what all doctors that listen to me say...well you have a loud heart murmur.  (When I was younger, I had a doctor that would say, wow, your heart murmur is still there. My thoughts have always been, "Dude, I have a freaking hole in my heart.  If it decides to go anywhere I think we need to throw it a going away party).  I have an EKG done and low and behold there is something wrong with me.  The doctor comes in and tells me that i have atrial fibrillation.  I looked at him like he was crazy.  More tests are ordered and I walk out of there not really knowing what is going on, other than I will be back two more times this week (and it ends up being 3)......

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