Friday, May 20, 2011

Catching Up on Training

There is not enough time in the day to accomplish what needs to be done. So my blog was put on the backburner for a bit, but I decided to take some time to "catch up". 

I got a bit scared at week 5.  The first workout went well, and I even started that at the end of week 4, however, I knew I needed to do this one a few times.  Workout 2 is running 8 minutes, walking 5 minutes.  I thought 3 minutes was scary, but did ok.  5 minutes wasn't so bad, but 8 minutes really is way beyond what I am ready for.  My full intentions were to do this one last night, but it did not happen.  Laundry had piled up, bath time needed to be done for three kids, supper needed to be decided and made, and then they want to play.   By 8 o'clock I was getting ready to go down to the basement when I realized my bra that I workout in is in the washer and my new ones have not arrived. So much for that.  So to torture myself I look at the 3rd workout for week 5...running for 20 minutes. Now tell me how do you go from running for 8 to running for 20???!!! I think this week will be a two week process.  And, I do not run the length that they say you should run in the amount of time. 

My goal is still to do a 5k, but there will be walking involved.

How is everyone else doing on their workout plans? *or maybe 'resolutions' that you are still holding some glimmer of hope to?

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