Sunday, May 1, 2011

My first 5k!

I DID IT! Never did I think I would complete a 5k! Some how a few coworkers decided that we should train to do one. This was on my bucket list I created a while back. Maybe I am experiencing an early mid-life crisis. Regardless of what it is, I decided to do it.

This all started when a group of us decided to participate in Live Healthy Iowa.  I was the team captain, and I did not want to take my job lightly.  I decided I wanted to set an example for my kids. I was working out on my own at home....not spending anything except for maybe $10 on some DVD's.  One of these was a Dancing with the Stars DVD, and the boys and I had oodles of fun doing this together. I know I looked like a complete fool, but memories is what counts. Then the talk began of running. I used to think running was like physics or geometry.  You learned it for High School or college, and then you did not need to know it anymore. I also used my heart murmur as a reason to not have to do anything.

I started a training "regimen" that included increasing my walking and running each week. (I like the word regimen because it sounds so technical to what I am trying to accomplish). I went to a 5k put on my the Humane Society, knowing full well I was not going to be able to run the entire thing. My goal: to not be the last to finish. SUCCESS! 
Lessons Learned from this 5k:R
Running outside is very much different than running on my treadmill in the basement.
Wind sucks!
If you put your mind to it, you can do it.

I am planning on running another one at the end of June, and I want to run most of this one. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. I KNOW I CAN!

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