Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 3 Couch to 5k Training

I am not going to lie. I thought week three of training for this 5k was going to be make it or break it time. I really thought I was going to give up on myself and quit. 
  • 3 minutes of continuous running....without stopping? 
  • These people have got to be crazy.  
  • Isn't this entitled Couch to 5k? 
  • The Couch people are eating ice cream and watching The Biggest Loser, dreaming of being able to get in shape. The Couch people are the coulda/woulda/shoulda's that are still waiting for the magical wand. 
  • Why can't I just relieve stress the old fashion way of eating and eating and eating.
  • 3 minutes

These were all thoughts that went through my end when I first started. But, I am proud to say I have done this workout three times this week, and it has been cake, relatively speaking. My entire life I have used my heart problems as an excuse not to do something. But no more! I am putting my foot down....until next week when I have to run 5 minutes continuously.
It is human nature right? Consistently saying "I can't." This phrase has been my mantra my entire life. Call it a midlife crisis, but I am tired of I can't.  I come from a family of runners.  Cousins, aunts, uncles....they all ran.  So, as the big 3-0 draws near, I am becoming a runner.  Follow me on my journey. Feel free to join in. Post your comments.  But mostly, be inspired.  If I can do it, then you can do it. 

Check it out at

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