Friday, August 19, 2011

Guilty Pleasure Shows

What shows do you watch that you secretly hope your significant other or best friend don't find out about? I guess it doesn't matter if my significant other finds out about mine since he watches them with me. 

Teen Mom-Yes I know this is MTV's train wreck proving that many teenagers are out only to get pregnant in order to be come famous, or rather infamous.  Look at Janelle and Amber. However, the stories keep me drawn in. Catelynn has always been my favorite, but I still like to see the other girls on the show.

Downsized-This is on the WE channel.  The plot is essentially this lblended family of 9 loses almost everything when the economy tanks, and they have to learn to spend within their means.  The first season they had to learn to do without cell phones, Starbucks, and mega shopping sprees for the 3 teenager girls and 1 tween age girl.  The boys had to quit sports as it was too costly for them to participate.  So far this second season is showing them make progress.  I like this show because I kind of enjoy seeing those well off have to do without like many of us middle class people have done for a couple of years.

Tia and Tamera-Ok this is relatively new, and Bryan most certainly will not watch this one with me.  But, I grew up watching Sister, Sister (enter music and the dance).  Tia is pregnant and Tamera is getting married....all of course at the same time. I saw one episode and have to say I might be guilty hooked.

What shows do you crawl in the hamper to watch?

The Iowa State Fair

One of my favorite things to do is go to the Iowa State Fair. It has been a tradition since I was in elementary school. I used to think that it would be awesome to go when I got older and have a drink in the beer tent and dance the night away at the KIOA place.  One of these days, that dream shall be fullfilled!

This year, Brody, Connor, and I braved the crowds on the first Saturday of the fair.  Interestingly it did not feel like there were oodles of people there that day.  The new building with the baby animals was by far the favorite of the day.  The boys got to pet a baby pig and see a baby calf, goat, chicks, turkeys, and emus.  They even got to see a chicken hatch out of its shell.

One of my favorite places is the ducks in the DNR pond. I could watch them forever.  The first thing Connor wanted to know was why the turtles were gone.  I miss the turtles.  The swans flapped out there wings and they thought that was pretty neat, of course after I reassured them that the swan could not fly out and get them.

I had asked Brody if he wanted to get his face painted.  I was of course thinking of just one small item on his cheek, but the fun forest only did full faces.  I talked to the lady and she said she could just start and see how he does.  Brody wanted a cheetah.  He makes a pretty cute cheetah!

What On Earth Has Happened

Really?! The end of May? No way!!! Has it been that long?
Ok so it has. Since then life has been life.  Laid off, job hunt, boys going to swimming lessons and VBS, Callan learning to crawl/climb/scream with enthusiasm...summer is almost over.  School will be starting and then what?  We will see. Read the posts below to see what we have been up to!


I have never been on a real family vacation since I was a wee tot around 5 or 6.  I have always told myself that the boys would get to do family vacations.  So we decided Omaha was close enough we could spend two days there.  We went to the children's museum and the Henry Doorly Zoo.  The boys had a blast at the museum.  They had a dinosaur exhibit that was fantastic.  Robotic dinosaurs looked at you and roared.  They loved it. Even little Callan thought it was great. I highly recommend the Children's Museum if you are ever in Omaha!

The zoo on the other hand, well I should have known what to expect.  Brody hates loud noises.  The first building we went in was like the jungle.  The monkeys were screeching, the water falls were pouring, and the birds were squawking.  Needless to say they did not enjoy this part.  They did like the giraffes and rhinos and of course the train.  They don't ever want to get close to an animal, but the ones they could see from the comfort of their own stroller they liked.

This snake pictures of course is for Grandpa Dale. He loves snakes!
 After the zoo, we went to Old Chicago.  The boys got their very own pizza and pop. If you know me, then you know they thought they were pretty darn special.

Heart Problems #2

So after seeing a specialist, it was decided I was going to have a TEE and cardioversion.  These words are now in my vocabulary.   Essentially, I swallowed a camera, they looked around, and then shocked my heart back in rhythm.  After the procedure they called me to schedule an atrial ablation.  I went to Ames for this procedure.  The purpose of this one was to have them go in through the veins in my groin (where you legs connect to your torso---bikini line) and take some catheters with long needles to my heart to cauterize whatever node is causing the problem. Unfortunately, the node was not found, and we are back to the waiting game.  I do not go back to the doctor until the middle of September, and at that time they will set up a heart monitor to wear for 24 hours.  After that, we are not really sure what goes from there.  I have done a lot of googling of these terms to see what to expect, and you still really never know what is going to happen until it does.Waiting for jobs, waiting for interviews, waiting for callbacks, and now waiting on doctors.  Waiting is NOT one of my strong suits.

I have what?

After some pretty good workouts in mid June I was starting to feel more tired than normal, and my heart felt like it was going to beat of my chest.  This continued on for quite some time, mostly because I thought I had just overexerted myself. While in Des Moines over July 4th, I barely made it up the stairs to the apartment.  After some convincing by one of my best friends (and now possible life saver), I made an appointment to Iowa Heart to see a doctor. Mind you I have never seen the same doctor more than one time.

Appointment day....I am convinced that I am overreacting and there is nothing wrong with me.  I can feel my heart speed up and beat funny, but I am fine.  So what if I cant walk up stairs without feeling like I am going to pass out. So what if I feel I need a nap int he morning and one if the afternoon.  There is NOTHING wrong with me. 
The doctor comes in, looks at me, listens and says what all doctors that listen to me say...well you have a loud heart murmur.  (When I was younger, I had a doctor that would say, wow, your heart murmur is still there. My thoughts have always been, "Dude, I have a freaking hole in my heart.  If it decides to go anywhere I think we need to throw it a going away party).  I have an EKG done and low and behold there is something wrong with me.  The doctor comes in and tells me that i have atrial fibrillation.  I looked at him like he was crazy.  More tests are ordered and I walk out of there not really knowing what is going on, other than I will be back two more times this week (and it ends up being 3)......

Friday, May 20, 2011

Catching Up on Training

There is not enough time in the day to accomplish what needs to be done. So my blog was put on the backburner for a bit, but I decided to take some time to "catch up". 

I got a bit scared at week 5.  The first workout went well, and I even started that at the end of week 4, however, I knew I needed to do this one a few times.  Workout 2 is running 8 minutes, walking 5 minutes.  I thought 3 minutes was scary, but did ok.  5 minutes wasn't so bad, but 8 minutes really is way beyond what I am ready for.  My full intentions were to do this one last night, but it did not happen.  Laundry had piled up, bath time needed to be done for three kids, supper needed to be decided and made, and then they want to play.   By 8 o'clock I was getting ready to go down to the basement when I realized my bra that I workout in is in the washer and my new ones have not arrived. So much for that.  So to torture myself I look at the 3rd workout for week 5...running for 20 minutes. Now tell me how do you go from running for 8 to running for 20???!!! I think this week will be a two week process.  And, I do not run the length that they say you should run in the amount of time. 

My goal is still to do a 5k, but there will be walking involved.

How is everyone else doing on their workout plans? *or maybe 'resolutions' that you are still holding some glimmer of hope to?