Friday, May 20, 2011

Catching Up on Training

There is not enough time in the day to accomplish what needs to be done. So my blog was put on the backburner for a bit, but I decided to take some time to "catch up". 

I got a bit scared at week 5.  The first workout went well, and I even started that at the end of week 4, however, I knew I needed to do this one a few times.  Workout 2 is running 8 minutes, walking 5 minutes.  I thought 3 minutes was scary, but did ok.  5 minutes wasn't so bad, but 8 minutes really is way beyond what I am ready for.  My full intentions were to do this one last night, but it did not happen.  Laundry had piled up, bath time needed to be done for three kids, supper needed to be decided and made, and then they want to play.   By 8 o'clock I was getting ready to go down to the basement when I realized my bra that I workout in is in the washer and my new ones have not arrived. So much for that.  So to torture myself I look at the 3rd workout for week 5...running for 20 minutes. Now tell me how do you go from running for 8 to running for 20???!!! I think this week will be a two week process.  And, I do not run the length that they say you should run in the amount of time. 

My goal is still to do a 5k, but there will be walking involved.

How is everyone else doing on their workout plans? *or maybe 'resolutions' that you are still holding some glimmer of hope to?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

What Blogs Do You Like To Read?

A former Sylvan teacher had mentioned to me at one time that she had a blog.  I have since "followed" her and read her posts.  I then stumbled upon a few of her friend's blogs, and their friends' blogs....And now I find myself going back to read them.

Here are two "non-friends" that I find myself going back to read on occassion:

What blogs to you read?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 3 Couch to 5k Training

I am not going to lie. I thought week three of training for this 5k was going to be make it or break it time. I really thought I was going to give up on myself and quit. 
  • 3 minutes of continuous running....without stopping? 
  • These people have got to be crazy.  
  • Isn't this entitled Couch to 5k? 
  • The Couch people are eating ice cream and watching The Biggest Loser, dreaming of being able to get in shape. The Couch people are the coulda/woulda/shoulda's that are still waiting for the magical wand. 
  • Why can't I just relieve stress the old fashion way of eating and eating and eating.
  • 3 minutes

These were all thoughts that went through my end when I first started. But, I am proud to say I have done this workout three times this week, and it has been cake, relatively speaking. My entire life I have used my heart problems as an excuse not to do something. But no more! I am putting my foot down....until next week when I have to run 5 minutes continuously.
It is human nature right? Consistently saying "I can't." This phrase has been my mantra my entire life. Call it a midlife crisis, but I am tired of I can't.  I come from a family of runners.  Cousins, aunts, uncles....they all ran.  So, as the big 3-0 draws near, I am becoming a runner.  Follow me on my journey. Feel free to join in. Post your comments.  But mostly, be inspired.  If I can do it, then you can do it. 

Check it out at

Sunday, May 1, 2011

My first 5k!

I DID IT! Never did I think I would complete a 5k! Some how a few coworkers decided that we should train to do one. This was on my bucket list I created a while back. Maybe I am experiencing an early mid-life crisis. Regardless of what it is, I decided to do it.

This all started when a group of us decided to participate in Live Healthy Iowa.  I was the team captain, and I did not want to take my job lightly.  I decided I wanted to set an example for my kids. I was working out on my own at home....not spending anything except for maybe $10 on some DVD's.  One of these was a Dancing with the Stars DVD, and the boys and I had oodles of fun doing this together. I know I looked like a complete fool, but memories is what counts. Then the talk began of running. I used to think running was like physics or geometry.  You learned it for High School or college, and then you did not need to know it anymore. I also used my heart murmur as a reason to not have to do anything.

I started a training "regimen" that included increasing my walking and running each week. (I like the word regimen because it sounds so technical to what I am trying to accomplish). I went to a 5k put on my the Humane Society, knowing full well I was not going to be able to run the entire thing. My goal: to not be the last to finish. SUCCESS! 
Lessons Learned from this 5k:R
Running outside is very much different than running on my treadmill in the basement.
Wind sucks!
If you put your mind to it, you can do it.

I am planning on running another one at the end of June, and I want to run most of this one. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. I KNOW I CAN!

Message of Hope

Today in church our Pastor's sermon was about hope.  Hope that we would succeed. Hope that we would be forgiven. Hope we will be good Christians.  I took this to heart today. I hope to have secure employment. I hope to be in the position to purchase a house as we have outgrown our current house. I hope for a lot of trivial things. But, I also hope for the health of my children and family. I hope that one day that my children will grow up to be citizens that contribute to society in a positive manner.
With a lot of things "up in the air" at this point, I decided it was time to put my words on paper. I have always thought that I could not be a stay at home mom, but as I think about it more I might be able to be. Income wise, that will not happen. I want my children to be able to have family vacations and experience things I never did. Finding a job is difficult enough, but since this is the second time in 10 months, I should be a pro! I vow to stay positive in this new journey, and I promise myself to not cry on a daily basis...WHY? Because I have HOPE!